what we do
Our Veterinary Services
To keep your companions feeling their best, we provide thorough check-ups and preventive care that can help alleviate serious health problems.
Wellness Care
We offer a variety of well care visits for your animal. We recommend a well care visit every six months. Our well care visits include the following: Skin and Ear checks, Musculosceletal and Neurologic, Dental and vision exam, heart and pulmonary assessments, and abdominal checks.
Spay & Neuter
We provide spaying and neutering for cats and dogs. We will perform a full physical and blood work to make sure your pet is completely healthy before any surgery that requires anesthesia.
We offer many vaccines to keep your pet healthy and free from disease. Vaccination schedules are dependent upon a variety of factors including age and lifestyle. During your pets visit, we can discuss these options.
Lab & Diagnostics
We have a full laboratory and X-Ray in our office equipped with state-of-the-art technology for rapidly diagnosing you pet. Our radiology equipment to provide safer x-rays at half the dose of other machines.
Digital Low-Dose Full-Body and Dental Radiology
IVM was an early adopter of digital imaging in Savannah, and has since included dental x-rays as a service to our clients. Dental imaging allows our doctors to treat dental disease – a common source of pain and bad breath! – more thoroughly and effectively by determining the condition of your pet’s mouth beneath and above the gum line. We’ve also upgraded our radiology equipment to provide safer x-rays at half the dose of other machines.
Exceptional Dentistry
Our dental care ranges from basic cleanings to advance dental issues. We recommend one cleaning per year to remove tartar build up. We will perform a full physical and blood work to make sure your pet is completely healthy before any surgery that requires anesthesia.
Clean Teeth for Life Program
We also offer IVM’s Clean Teeth for Life program. It is an inexpensive, easy way for clients to keep their pets’ teeth clean and healthy all year long! At only the fraction of the cost of a complete dental procedure, your pet’s teeth are cleaned with the aid of a fully reversible twilight sedation. This service is limited to non-senior pets without dental disease, following a dental examination.
Certified PennHIP Evaluation
This radiographic hip evaluation is used to determine the onset of degenerative joint disease, hip dysplasia, and osteoarthritis in dogs as young as 16 weeks to 3 years old. For more information on the PennHIP method please visit: https://antechimagingservices.com/antechweb/pennhip
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) has four main components: Acupuncture, herbal medicine, food therapy and Tui-na (medical manipulation). Acupuncture usually involves the insertion of thin sterile needles into discrete and specific points on the body in order to cause a therapeutic effect, but may include other methods such as electrical stimulation and moxibustion. The point on the body is called “Shu-xue” or acupuncture point (acupoint). The ancient Chinese discovered 361 acupoints in humans and 173 acupoints in animals.
Companion Laser Therapy
Class IV Laser Therapy is a drug-free, surgery-free, and sterile treatment of many common health conditions. Wound care, inflammation, dermatological issues, and joint pain are all ailments that may be treated with a single- or multi-visit therapy program. Each case and the potential benefit of laser therapy is evaluated by a veterinarian and performed by a certified technician.
Behavioral Consults
Our veterinary team will approach the treatment of your pet’s anxiety, aggression, and/or compulsive behaviors with compassion and pragmatism. Your veterinarian will discuss your pet’s routines and environment. And after ruling out any medical conditions that could be contributing to your pet’s unwanted behaviors, we’ll develop a treatment plan that fits into your life. Since unwanted behaviors rarely disappear by themselves or overnight, you can count on us to be your short- and long-term partner in behavior management.
Orthopedic Consults
Consults include a discussion of your pet’s medical history in conjunction with thorough examinations and diagnostics in order to determine if observed lameness is due to trauma or chronic conditions. May include labwork, radiographs, and medication trials.

House Calls
For some pets, coming to the hospital is simply not an option. Anxiety, physical ailment, or owner convenience – whichever the reason, we would be happy to come to your home and “make your living room our exam room”. Services provided for IVM clients include physical exams, vaccinations, drawing for lab work, and humane euthanasia.
Our service area is limited to Isle of Hope, Burnside Island, Downtown, Midtown, and The Landings; availability is limited, and a fee is applicable.
Pool Services
Our pool is not only used by our clients for hydrotherapy, but also for play and socializing! An IVM Annual Pool Membership grants year round access to the pool area for IVM clients only. For those without a membership for hydrotherapy use, we will coordinate with your veterinarian’s referral.